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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

10 Most Common Passwords

This from a local San Diego TV news station - the 10 most common computer passwords. I thought this was pretty funny, so thought I'd share.

Original web blurb from 10 News (it's a PowerPoint), and oh ya, this originally came from PC Magazine.

10. Your first name
9. blink182
8. password1
7. myspace1
6. monkey
5. letmein
4. abc123
3. qwerty
2. 123456
1. password


The moral of the story? Be creative with your password. And whatever you do - don't use one of those 10 above!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Which is why the password policy at my work is great: It enforces changes once per quarter, the passwords must have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one numeral, and they can not resemble previous passwords.